PAINTINGS, 2025. | PAINTINGS, 2024. | PAINTINGS, 2023. | PAINTINGS, 2022. | PAINTINGS, 2021. | PAINTINGS, 2020. | PAINTINGS, 2019. | PAINTINGS, 2018. | PAINTINGS, 2017. | PAINTINGS, 2016. | PAINTINGS, 2015. | PAINTINGS, 2014. | PAINTINGS, 2013 | PAINTINGS, 2012 | PAINTINGS, 2011. | PAINTINGS, 2010. | PAINTINGS, 2009 AND BEFORE. | SCULPTURES. |
|  | This is not Amateur Art. This is unique Artistry and interesting!! | -- Katnaj, 2/25/23
 | Great amazing work. | -- Jose Antonio Santa, 11/4/22
 | I love your work. I was just gifted "You are Nobody Until Somebody Loves you" | -- Mary Lou Buschi, 5/15/22
 | Hi hi, how are you?! Planning to come to Florida? Please let me know! Thank you! Luciana | -- Luciana , 3/19/22
 | Met you in Key west. I bought opa, the drawing of your grandfather. We talked about Bisbee, AZ. If you ever decide to check it out, let me know. You are welcome to stay. Great place to paint! You can check us out at Right now we are in Concrete WA. Hope our paths cross again, I think you are very talented! Anne | -- Anne Digiacomo, 3/1/22
 | Hello John, Please let me know the dates of your shows. When will you be back in the Naples, Florida area next? Thank you. | -- Delores Rich, 2/14/22
 | John, Enjoyed finding yyour work and speaking with you at the art fair in Boca Raton. Look forward to catching up in Brooklyn and elsewhere. All the best to you and take good care. Jim Datema | -- Jim Datema, 2/6/22
 | Your work is fresh and vibrant with a constantly evolving story and creativity that is worthy for of following. | -- Bill Eckler, 6/26/21
 | Purchased a piece of John's art in South Florida in 2019...always gets a positive response from much so I've passed the link on to several people who are intersted in getting something for themselves. | -- John Jenicek, 5/25/21
 | saw you at west palm show today. excellent work | -- John Rezai, 4/18/21
 | My husband and I love your work. | -- Annie Vece, 1/20/21
 | we are looking to add one of your pieces to our collection. We were going to wait for the westport Art show but don't know if it will be canceled this year due to Covid 19 | -- Kimberly Walter-cuddy, 4/7/20
 | LOVE | -- Kim Hellen, 11/18/19
 | So playful. So much comes to mind when I see your art work. I love the use of words in the work. I am a fellow zhibitor and am excited to share an upcoming artist tour with you to Oxford, England. You can check it out at | -- Valery L Larson, 6/26/19
 | John Was wondering where and when your next shows. thanks. | -- Gale Desmond, 4/12/19
 | Saw you in Coral Springs today... looking at your website; love your creations! Keep up the good work! | -- V, 3/16/19
 | Always loved your work. Finally got to speak to you today in Coral Springs and tell you. You are a gift. Thanks. See you in Sag Harbor. | -- Gwen, 3/16/19
 | Utterly enchanted. | -- Resa Tanner, 2/3/19
 | Loved your rock n roll pieces!! . | -- Debra Choiniere, 1/20/19
 | Thanks for coming to Jupiter, we are a better community for having you here albeit for a brief show. FM | -- Frank Morell, 12/1/18
 | From artist to artist, I love your work, I went by your booth yesterday in Westport, a few times, and fell in love with it! | -- Mila Lanfranco, 7/15/18
 | Hello! Thanks for making great art, I love looking at all I see here. Please consider showing at the Peoria (Illinois) Art Fair, annually held in September. | -- Liz Renick, 6/26/18
 | we saw your painting yesterday and are interested in purchasing but need certain size. We are looking for around 48 tall by 30 wide. Thanks | -- Scott Harrington, 6/24/18
 | Hudson nice you to come for the opening for Albert. nice fun works you have done. especially loves your sculptures and bird houses Kiyoshi | -- Kiyoshi Ike, 5/20/18
 | I own one of your paintings - "Hurricane Blues" and love it. I may want to purchase another - what is your genera price range. | -- Don Nevin, 5/16/18
 | Montclair | -- James L. Jackson, 4/5/18
 | hi , My name is Elizabeth Vargas and i am an artist from miami, FL. I was told my a friend to check your work and I’m in love with it. I love your color palette usage and the fact that you collage and are open to anything being a canvas! | -- Elizabeth , 11/29/17
 | I bought two pieces of art from you on the street n NYC in 2010.It always reminds me to tell the children in my art classes in Mississippi to paint the way you want things to look and don't be like everyone else. I love your work and so do they! Hope to buy more some day! | -- Susan Cox, 8/16/17
 | I wandered into the Westport street fair yesterday and was drawn right in to your work. It was a standout.- joyful and juicy! | -- Dionne Pia, 7/17/17
 | Love this stuff. Whimsical and cool! | -- Mark Kertzman, 4/13/17
 | Love your art! Saw ii in a shop in Delray beach Fl. The reason I was attracted to your art it reminds me of my son's art work! His name is Scott Cahaly he is a painter and sculpter! | -- Joycecahaly, 3/21/17
 | Hi John, Thank you for the nice words about my art and music. Let me know if you ever visit Asheville NC. Just returned from a day and evening of music and now I am all socialized and ready to go back to the studio. Color is Life. Karen | -- Karen Bell, 1/31/17
 | Oh I love it. Reminds me some of a departed friend artist & musician, Johnny Otis, [hand jive] although yours more colorful and more everything. | -- Karen Bell, 1/28/17
 | Wonderful Art! | -- Anke Guntermann, 1/15/17
 | saw your work sunday at florida art fair, outstanding work, stands apart and above anything else there. | -- Martha Zausmer, 1/11/17
 | love your fun!! | -- Debbie Van Duyne, 9/12/16
 | love your art .......beautiful | -- Jane, 2/5/16
 | Love your site. Always loved your wonderful works of art!!! xxoo | -- Wren, 6/17/15
 | witt and beauty! love your mojo | -- Jonathan Hoffman, 12/4/14
 | saw your work in NYC while visiting this summer - nice | -- Beth, 8/30/14
 | A good and a very interesting work. Congratulations | -- Juan Carlos Rodriguez , 8/22/14
 | I love your work and I look forward to owning one if these awesome pieces of work in the future... | -- Damon Suggs, 6/29/14
 | Hi, you have some great stuff! I love the style. | -- Sara, 4/10/14
 | amazing wonderful delightful suprising | -- Karen Bell, 1/30/14
 | your works are so alive, they sing! | -- Jen, 9/28/13
 | Just purchased 'Thunderstorm' at Vanderplas Gallery. It is wonderful. thank u. | -- Don Nevin, 8/30/13
 | OH MY!!!! WOOOW! I'm so... hmm..hard to excited by your art. I saw this painting on the street today and it made me so happy and now I have been looking at your page here and woooow! I always just like this and this painting but I love most of yours!! Never thought that could happen. Its amazing! Good job and thank you!! /Kate | -- Kate, 8/24/13
 | hey John, m the one who bought Chinatown, my chinatown, i live in Florida but come back to NY here and there and always say hello on West Broad.. let me know if any new ones coming, would love to get more from you! | -- Gabriel Garcia-prieto, 12/21/12